Studying Physiotherapy in the UK

In recent years, exposure to physical therapists has become more common. This article will talk about this subject and how to become a physical therapist. Physical therapy is actually a non-drug treatment method that aims to prevent and cure pain or restore normal movement functions.

Why is it called physical therapy instead of chemical or biological therapy?

It is because the main treatment method is through hands-on contact with the patient's affected area to develop targeted treatment plans using different techniques, such as:

Manual therapy: commonly seen in joint adjustments, traction, or stretching

Modalities: it refers to using cold, heat, light, water, strength, electricity even sound

Exercise therapy: it is almost like a Personal Trainer and mainly divided into trauma recovery after exercise, improving conditions, and daily training

However, do you feel like physical therapy is irrelevant to you? As daily activities change, city dwellers need physical therapy for injuries:

Occupational injuries: tennis elbow, housewife's hand, and intervertebral disc herniation are common cases.

  1. Athletes: Hong Kong champion jockey Zac Purton was affected by back pain in 2022, but with physical therapy diagnosis, treatment, injury recovery, training, and conditioning, he successfully returned to the champion jockey throne in the same year.
  2. Pregnant women: prenatal and postpartum pain and menstrual adjustment.
  3. Children or the elderly: swallowing, walking, and speaking, etc.
  4. Patients: Parkinson's disease, neurological and cardio-pulmonary patients

In addition to taking care of daily patients, physical therapists also provide health education seminars for the public to guide citizens to correct their lifestyles and prevent symptoms from developing:

  • sitting posture (rich bag or hunchback or tennis elbow)
  • gestures (tennis elbow)
  • lifestyle habits
  • preparation before and after exercise

After understanding so much about the importance of physical therapy, are you a little tempted to become a physical therapist in the future?

Admission requirements:

  • HKDSE: 554 - 444
  • IELTS: 7.0 - 6.5
  • Elective subjects: Biology is necessary.

Most physical therapy degrees in the UK are aimed at assisting the management of the healthcare industry in Hong Kong Auxiliary Medical Service Division's List of Quotable Qualifications (too many universities to list).

Recommended universities:

📍Remember to apply for UCAS before January 25th.

➡️A personal statement is required.

➡️An interview is required.

✅Remember to take tips on interviews and personal statements from our professional advisors.

🚨Registration requirements for Physiotherapists:

✅Completion of a Physiotherapy degree.

✅Completion of at least 800 hours of internship.

✅Registration as a Physiotherapist in the country where the degree was obtained.

✅Registration with the Auxiliary Medical Services of Hong Kong upon returning.

✅Done! ❗

WhatsApp Cyclopes Education if you have any questions or would like to discuss your study plans! ️

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