Medical report for tuberculosis with needle and pen, girl going to check in with two suitcases

Embarking on a New Chapter! Essential Information and Preparation Checklist for Studying Abroad

Anticipating an exciting journey of studying abroad but facing various obstacles? Studying abroad is no walk in the park. Besides preparing your mindset for the overseas student life, the most crucial aspect is thorough preparation. Before embarking on your study abroad adventure, it's vital to be well-prepared to ensure a smooth transition upon arrival. Many students might not be aware of the essential information and required documents for studying in the UK. In this article, Cyclopes has compiled a comprehensive checklist of what you need to know and prepare for studying abroad. By following this checklist, students can confidently navigate each step of the process without any hiccups.

Girl in jean jacket wearing black backpack holding passport at airport traveling

Source: Freepik 

Study Abroad Preparation Checklist Overview

1. Study Abroad Insurance Application 

2. Financial Proof 

3. Accommodation 

4. Tuberculosis (TB) Test 

5. Student Visa

Study Abroad Insurance Application

When planning to study abroad, students typically purchase travel insurance for short trips. However, as students will be residing in a foreign country for several years, it is crucial to ensure comprehensive insurance coverage before departure. The UK's National Health Service (NHS) is the national healthcare service, and the UK government requires students staying in the UK for six months or more to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), which amounts to £470 per year. Without IHS insurance, the UK Customs may reject a student's visa application. Therefore, study abroad insurance is a crucial consideration for every international student. For more information, you can check the official website of your target university. 


For parents who wish to provide additional protection for their children, purchasing overseas study insurance is advisable. Parents can compare different insurance companies' overseas study insurance plans, including payment methods, coverage, compensation amounts, and terms and conditions, before their children's departure. If students need further assistance, they can inquire with Cyclopes. We provide relevant information based on students' needs.

Financial Proof

Studying abroad requires sufficient funds to demonstrate to the UK government that students have the financial means to support themselves during their stay. According to the UK government guidelines, students need to prepare living expenses for nine months, with a minimum monthly requirement of £1,023. For those studying in London, the monthly requirement increases to £1,334, covering rent, living expenses, transportation, and other costs. Therefore, students must prepare £9,207 to £12,006 before the start of their studies. In addition to university tuition fees, students are expected to have between HK$390,000 to HK$420,000 in their bank accounts. This amount must remain in the account for at least 28 days, with the last day of the 28th day falling within 31 days of the visa application. When applying for a study visa, students should provide a copy of their bank statement to prove their financial capability to live in the UK.

Bank statement laying on laptop keyboard with glasses

Source: Freepik 


Finding accommodation well in advance is one of the most critical tasks on the study abroad preparation checklist. Generally, international students have the option to choose between on-campus or off-campus housing. 


On-campus refers to university student dormitories. Universities typically reserve a certain number of spots in their dormitories for international students. The most significant advantage of on-campus housing is its proximity to the university, and the security around the university area is generally better. Parents do not need to worry about their children's safety. 


If students choose to live off-campus, they can opt for homestays or rental accommodations. Both options have their benefits. Homestays can provide students with meals and help them adapt to the local lifestyle more quickly. Renting offers more independence and personal living space for students. 

Tuberculosis (TB) Test

The Tuberculosis (TB) test is one of the most crucial requirements among the things to know when studying abroad in the UK. Students must have a valid TB test when entering the UK. According to the guidance from the UK government website (GOV.UK), students applying for a visa must submit a TB test as proof of good health. Students can undergo the test at Hong Kong clinics and hospitals recognized by the UK Home Office, and the test result is valid for six months. Since the test result is not only used for entry but also for visa applications, students should complete it well in advance to avoid delays that could disrupt their preparations for studying abroad.

Doctor pointing at xray scan showing to girl with ponytail

Source: Freepik 

Student Visa

Securing a student visa is essential for students to study in the UK. When applying for an overseas student visa, students need to prepare the following documents: 


  • Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from a UK university
  • Academic qualifications (such as IELTS scores, transcripts from your school or public exams) 
  • Applicant's identity card 
  • Applicant's passport 
  • Tuberculosis (TB) test report 
  • Proof of funds 
  • Visa appointment confirmation letter 


If the student is under 18 years old, they must bring their parent's or legal guardian's identity card or passport, the applicant's birth certificate, a parental consent letter, and other required documents to the visa application center. Since visa processing can take some time, it's advisable for students to initiate the visa application process as soon as they receive their CAS. 

Applying visa on laptop, wooden table with notebooks, calculator, plant and passport, holding visa application form

Source: Freepik 

Studying abroad is undoubtedly a significant milestone in a student's life, but it's easy to overlook certain aspects of preparation along the way. To ensure that you are well-prepared, you can refer to the above checklist for overseas study preparations. By following these steps, you can minimize the chances of missing important details and ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey for your overseas education.

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