Occupational therapist encouraging elderly patient

Which University is Best for Studying Occupational Therapy in the UK? An Overview of UK Occupational Therapy University Rankings

Choosing the right university is a significant decision for every student, especially when it comes to employment prospects after graduation. For students aspiring to study in popular fields, such as Occupational Therapy, the degree's recognition in the industry greatly influences job opportunities. Which university is best for studying Occupational Therapy in the UK? Let’s explore the rankings of UK universities for Occupational Therapy with Cyclopes, helping students make informed decisions when selecting a university.

Occupational Treatment for a Female Patient

Source: Freepik

What is Occupational Therapy? What are the Job Prospects for Graduates in the UK?

Occupational Therapy is a medical profession dedicated to promoting patients' physical and mental health through purposeful activities, helping them achieve as much independence as possible and restoring bodily functions, such as brushing teeth, combing hair, using the toilet, etc. Occupational therapists primarily work with individuals suffering from mental and physical disabilities, developmental disorders, sudden health issues, chronic diseases, or workplace injuries, as well as people whose activities are limited due to physical, psychological, cultural, and environmental factors. 


Occupational therapists guide and implement suitable occupational activities to help patients regain and maintain daily living skills. They use occupational theory and activity analysis to analyze the main factors affecting their clients' occupations. They provide training in physiological and psychological aspects, and they also help with daily activities through environmental modification and simplifying tasks to prevent physical function degradation. For instance, occupational therapists may train patients in dressing, eating, housekeeping, cooking skills; guide on joint protection in daily life to avoid strain; and provide advice on using assistive devices for rehabilitation and muscle training. Additionally, they advise patients' families and caregivers. 


Occupational Therapy is a discipline with excellent job prospects, playing a vital role in the medical and social care sectors. Industry reports indicate a growing demand for occupational therapists, with graduates often quickly finding employment opportunities. Currently, there is a shortage of occupational therapists in Hong Kong's medical sector. According to the Hospital Authority, there has been a significant loss of full-time occupational therapists since the 2020-21 period, offering opportunities for graduates to return and develop their careers in Hong Kong.

Cardiff City Hall in Wales

Source: Freepik 

Top UK Universities for Occupational Therapy

Which university is best for studying Occupational Therapy in the UK? According to the Complete University Guide 2024’s Counselling, Psychotherapy & Occupational Therapy subject ranking, the top 5 universities are: 


  1. University of East Anglia (UEA) 
  2. University of Southampton 
  3. University of Liverpool 
  4. Cardiff University 
  5. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh 

In addition, the University of Bradford, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, and Oxford Brookes University are also well-regarded for their Occupational Therapy programs.

Girls Wear Gowns to Prepare for Graduation Ceremony

Source: Freepik

Requirements for Studying Occupational Therapy in the UK and Practicing in Hong Kong

Generally, UK universities require HKDSE scores of 544-444 for Occupational Therapy programs, with some universities requiring Biology or Science as a subject. The IELTS requirement is a score of 6-7, with no less than 5.5 in each component. 


Dozens of UK universities offer Occupational Therapy bachelor's degree programs recognized by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Completing the program and at least 1000 hours of clinical training under a qualified occupational therapist's supervision qualifies graduates for registration and practice. 


Competition in the field of Occupational Therapy is intense. Generally, graduates with an average of four years of work experience can apply for a senior position, and some institutions require a master's degree in Occupational Therapy from Australia, the UK, or other countries for senior roles. 


After understanding which universities are best for studying Occupational Therapy in the UK and their rankings, do you have a deeper understanding of the subject? If you have questions about pursuing a bachelor's or master's degree in Occupational Therapy in the UK, feel free to contact the educational experts at Cyclopes. We're here to help you plan your educational path.





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