Study Game Design Degree in the UK. Turn Your Hobby Into Your Career.

In recent years, the gaming industry has grown to become one of the most influential and profitable entertainment sectors globally. If you have a passion for game creation and development and wish to pursue a career in this exciting field, you might consider enrolling in a Bachelor's program in Game Design in the UK. 

Man Testing Shooter Games Using Wireless Controller
Man Testing Shooter Games Using Wireless Controller

Studying Game Design in the UK

The UK is renowned in the field of game design education, boasting many prestigious universities and colleges that offer comprehensive and in-depth courses. These programs combine creativity and technology, equipping students with professional knowledge and practical skills in game design and development. The UK has industry-renowned research and teaching teams in game design, providing a diverse range of courses, from game art and game programming to game production and game operations management. The courses integrate theory and practice through collaborative projects, lab work, and case studies, fostering students' creativity and technical skills. Moreover, game design education in the UK also emphasizes practical experience and industry-oriented teaching methods, allowing students to choose the most suitable course according to their personal interests and career goals. You can opt for courses ranging from basic game design to advanced game development techniques, such as 3D modeling and animation, game programming, level design, and game planning. These courses combine practical projects and professional lectures, keeping students abreast of the latest trends and technologies in the gaming industry. 

Game Design Career Prospects

Game Designer 

Entry Level: 210,500 HKD - 263,200 HKD 

Middle Level: 369,900 HKD -  430,500 HKD 

Senior Level: 475,700 HKD - 501,400 HKD 

Game Developer 

Entry Level: 222,000 HKD - 297,600 HKD 

Middle Level: 386,400 HKD - 468,000 HKD 

Senior Level: 511,200 HKD - 537,600 HKD 

Source: World Salaries, Salary Explorer 

UK Universities Recommendation

University of Liverpool 

University of Southampton 

Staffordshire University 

Heriot-Watt University 

Manchester Metropolitan University 

Game Design Degree Entry Requirement

HKDSE: 444-544  

IELTS: 6.0-6.5 





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