Optometry - Study of Eyes and Visual System. How to become a registered optometrist?

Eyes are often referred to as the window to our souls. Most people are familiar with vision problems like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. But how many really know about optometrists and their primary role in prescribing eyeglasses? Optometry is the scientific study of the eye and the visual system, aiming to understand and address vision-related problems. By studying optometry, you'll benefit from world-leading educational institutions and top-notch faculty, getting the opportunity to participate in advanced research projects and clinical practices.

optometrist testing little girl patient eyesight
optometrist testing little girl patient eyesight

Optometry Degree Programmein UK

In the UK, universities typically offer a four-year Master's program in optometry. Courses generally cover subjects like ocular biology, optics, visual perception, diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, among others. These courses integrate theoretical learning with practical training, including lab experiments, clinical internships, and case studies, to hone students' professional and problem-solving skills. Moreover, students will learn to utilize advanced equipment and techniques, such as visual acuity testing instruments, corneal topography machines, and fundus photography devices. Universities often establish close ties with hospitals, ophthalmic clinics, and optical companies, offering students valuable opportunities for professional learning and clinical practice. Within UK institutions, you'll acquire the latest scientific knowledge, professional skills, and clinical methodologies, setting a solid foundation for your future career as an optometrist.

How to Become an Optometrist?

Upon graduation, students must complete a one-year internship at a UK-recognized institution and pass the relevant examinations set by the UK's optometry association to apply for registration as a UK optometrist. After obtaining the UK practice qualification, they can then apply for the optometrist practice qualification in Hong Kong.

Optometrist Salary

woman taking eyesight test with optometrist
woman taking eyesight test with optometrist

Hong Kong Recognized UK Universities

The University of Manchester

Aston University

Bradford University

Cardiff University

City, University of London

Ulster University

Glasgow Caledonian University

Anglia Ruskin University

UK Optometry Degree Entry Requirement

HKDSE: 554-555 (Requires two science subjects) IELTS: 7.0 (with no less than 6.5 in any components)





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