Crime scene tape, guy looking at evidence photo board

What do you study in criminology?

Many of us who watch TV dramas and movies have seen crime-related shows involving investigation, detectives, and criminals. Popular and recent shows include Dahmer and Sherlock Holmes, while Hong Kong has mind-reading detectives and forensic pioneers. Do you know what subjects you should study to become a detective? Criminology is a university course that extends from sociology, which mainly focuses on criminal issues from a sociological perspective. Research can be divided into two academic aspects. 


So in order to be a detective, what do you need to study? 

1. Criminal psychology and behaviour: study the reasons, verification, handling skills, and theories of crimes. 

2. Explore the phenomena, rules, and causes of criminal behaviour from a sociological perspective, and promote, educate, and implement/change policies to prevent crime or reduce its impact on society. 


Admission requirements:  

Criminology is a humanities subject, and students do not need a science background. Basically, you can enter the program as long as your academic scores and English scores are sufficient. Although, if you are interested in Forensic Science, you must study Chemistry! 


Recommended United Kingdom Universities: 

Loughborough University 

Durham University 

University of Manchester 

University of Nottingham 

University of Birmingham 



If you are interested in studying Criminology, feel free to WhatsApp our professional consultants for more information! 





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